

Promote your business now!

Tell us about your project and we will revert back to you with an estimation cost. Please use your coupon code and get discount up to 40%. It’s now or never.



Thanks, we will contact you soon

Describe Your Business

Ex: Dentist

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Who Is Your Target Audience?

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What Are Three of Your Favourite Websites?

EX: google.com, apple.com, bing.com etc…

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Website details

Ex: About us, Portfolio, Contact etc…

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Phone Number

Ex: +230 5 XXX XXXX

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Please fill out this form

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This promotion end at 30 July 2023.


The “Promote your business now promotion” end at the 30th July 2023. To benefit from this promotion, please use your coupon code and get discount.

This promotion aims to promote your business visibility to the whole world, by doing so, you can can increase your conversation rate which means more clients.

What Are Your Terms and Conditions?
  • All estimation/quotes are based on our understanding of your requirements and as per given time-frame. Any changes to the functionality including micro-improvements, may incur additional costs accordingly. Please ensure and clarify our understanding in writing or on a face to
    face meeting. Quotations are valid for a period of 30 days.
  • By accepting a quote, you agree to and accept the terms and conditions. Acceptance can be by email, payment of Initiation or signing a quote.
  • Clients to ensure that we have included all requirements in the quotes/proposals/estimations and that we fully understand their
    requirements. Clients must provide us with clear guidelines along with the flow or specific details they may require. When such details are not
    provided, we will proceed with our understanding of the requirements and quote accordingly. At a later stage, if a discrepancy arises, it may
    lead to additional costs to accommodate the changes. Thus, it is essential that you clarify every aspect of your website development and
    ensure that you have been quoted on the right requirements.
  • Any complexity related to specific tasks, must be advised in advance and included in the proposal for costing purposes. We operate in good
    faith and rely on our clients to disclose the full picture at the time of quotation. Any discrepancy arising due to unclear requirements will not
    be borne by Allan Sidien.
  • Neidis will make every effort to complete the project/changes in the given timeframe. Reasonable delays are accepted if functionalities
    are redefined or modified.
What about the development process?

During the process, we will require the Client to provide us website content; text, images, video or sound files, along with any relevant background information.

In return, the Client agrees to provide promptly with all necessary cooperation, information, materials and data and timely decision-making which may be reasonably required by Neidis for the performance of the Services.

We will provide the Client with an opportunity to review the appearance and content of the website during the design phase and once the overall website development is completed and approved by the client, we will lunch the website.

How much does a website cost?

The cost of building a website depends on wide range of factors. You must consider the website costs for domains, hosting plan, design and development. Also, do not forget SEO and maintenance aspect.

We need to know what type of website do you need for your business? As you can see, there’s a lot factors to be consider and every website differs by it’s functionality and purposes.

For a custom quotation, please send us an email on hello@neidis.com.

What are the payment conditions?

At the start of the development process of your website, you need to pay 40% of the total development costs, the remaining balance of 60% should be made upon the completion of the website once it’s published. We will start the development immediately upon receiving of the
initial payment.
Payment for services is due by cash, cheque or bank transfer. Cheque should be made payable to Allan Robin Sidien. Bank details will be made available on invoices.

Are there other things I need to know?

Yes, it is important to know that by default, your web host and your registry domain have a period of one year before it gets expire due to the date of payment. This can be extended at your convenient or by informing us when we are setting up your web project.

After this period, a fees will be apply to newer your web host and domain.